Chris Casaburi Chris Casaburi

RIP Lawnmower Man

My friend Francis Grimaldi was a beacon of kindness and wisdom. Owner of Little Motors in Putnam County NY, he was a simple man, a guiding light for many. His ability to fix not just engines but the occasional broken spirit was a testament to his compassionate nature. His memory will be treasured, his absence deeply felt, and his impact on the world forever appreciated. Rest-in-peace Francis, and thank you for the immeasurable contributions you made to me and the lives around you. You left a mark!

Goofing around with Francis in the little studio we set up in his repair shop.

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Chris Casaburi Chris Casaburi

Giving Back: Flashes of Hope

Donating time and efforts to Flashes of Hope is one of the most rewarding things I’ve done. Creating priceless portraits of kids (and their families) who are fighting life-threatening illnesses.

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Chris Casaburi Chris Casaburi

CMA Shipping Conference Stamford, CT

The “CMA Shipping 2023” conference was a hit, well done Beth Wilson-Jordan who is Executive Director of the Education Foundation of the Connecticut Maritime Association. . The donations (for a quick portrait) raised money for scholarships and intern stipends which help to strengthen & support the industry.

Believe it or not… I have a Marine Engineering degree from the US Merchant Marine Academy, and served in the Naval Reserve. I’ve always enjoyed the spirit of comradeship so to be amongst everyone in the maritime industry again was a true pleasure.

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Chris Casaburi Chris Casaburi

They say "it’s not about the destination… it's about the journey"

Do you agree?

Thankful that years ago I gave it a shot… took the leap from engineering and turned my lifelong passion into a career. Having collaborated with many I’m grateful for the adventures shared, the lives touched, the content created.

Always learning always growing still so many images to create stories to tell clients to serve. Our tools change the formats change the platforms now too… it’s getting more interesting right?

Life a beautiful ride let’s buckle each other in and go for it (I can drive or ride shotgun) and always remember… I’m here to help you in your journey - Chris

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Chris Casaburi Chris Casaburi

My Leroy Neiman Story

Early in my career I was covering a sports banquet for a non-profit organization… while crouched next to a table looking for an interesting angle, I noticed the unmistakable artist Leroy Neiman.

Seizing the opportunity I asked if I could take his portrait someday. He surprisingly said yes and handed me a card.

Leroy was a world famous artist know for color and movement in his paintings, so I had the idea to build a contraption that would spin behind him with pieces of color paper attached… thus mixing color and movement. I was finally putting my engineering degree to use lol. It was quite ambitious, took me days to build in my NYC apartment.

For the shoot I rented a studio, hired an assistant, and we set-up the contraption. The shoot went great, except I couldn't get the spinning background to look as good as it did in my testing. Leroy was a pleasure, very professional and a real warm guy... with his trademark cigar and bright yellow sports jacket, only he could get away with that. I tried to capture his spirit and those talented magical hands.

A week later I visited him at his studio on the Upper West Side, a beautiful space in an historic building just off Central Park. I brought images from the shoot. Even tho the images didn’t match my original vision I was very happy with the results. He liked them too and I gave him permission to use a few.

He then asked me if I ever played baseball. Strange question I thought. "Sure I played in little league" and before I knew it I found myself changing into a NY Mets uniform he just happened to have standing by. As I'm swinging the bat and making believe I’m standing at the plate getting ready for a pitch he’s taking photos of me. Weird cool moment.

I found out later many artists work with reference photos. Leroy was interested in how the uniform moved and wanted to capture a natural authentic look. At the time he was working on a new piece… of Mike Piazza, superstar catcher for Major League Baseball New York Mets and future Hall of Famer. and he would refer to those photos of me as reference.

Leroy Neiman was one of the most popular living artists in the US before his passing in 2012. I’m grateful for the experience we shared.

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Chris Casaburi Chris Casaburi

Never Again!

Will never photograph fireworks again… not gonna top this one lol. Lake Carmel, NY. Peace n love Happy 4th!

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Chris Casaburi Chris Casaburi

Dan Engelhardt's CD "Here at Last"

Cover image for Dan Engelhardt’s new CD “Here at Last”

Last month caught Dan’s piano performance at local art center.. it was inspiring and very impressive. We chatted that night and soon after he came over to the studio for a CD cover shoot.

Dan’s music will soon be available thru digital download here

Obligatory on-set selfie 😊

A nice relaxing vibe with the man himself. Here on the deck reviewing images and planning next shoot.

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Chris Casaburi Chris Casaburi

2 Minutes with Ty Pennington

Ty was in town filming a renovation show. Took a chance setup 'portable studio' in back parking lot… he was very busy but said YES. made sure to mention I’d only need him for 2 minutes. I kept my word. Thanks Ty! Here’s the shoot with some results at the end.

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Chris Casaburi Chris Casaburi

Flashes of Hope

Flashes of Hope is an organization that facilitates photographers to create free uplifting portraits to honor the life and memories of children fighting cancer. For this shoot we setup in a small area of a cafeteria at Montefiore Hospital, Bronx NY. FOH is now part of Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation.

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