Chris Casaburi Chris Casaburi

Inspiration Dan Winters

Prolific photog Dan Winters.very generous with technique and more importantly his creative spirit. Here on a set I built. pushed me. thanks for the inspiration.Santa Fe Photographic Workshops, NM

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Chris Casaburi Chris Casaburi

Final touches touches on recent shoot. kids fighting cancer. something special going on w these kids.strong.inspired #flashesofhope

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Chris Casaburi Chris Casaburi

Giving Back

Honored.photographing kids with cancer. struck by their toughness and beauty, inside and out

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Chris Casaburi Chris Casaburi


Living outside the city… means always a guaranteed parking spot. easy to load/unload equipment too. looking on the bright side #timelapse

one great thing about living outside the city… I always have a parking spot! easy to load/unload equipment too #timelapse

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Chris Casaburi Chris Casaburi

Thanks Joe

Sad to hear TV talk show pioneer Joe Franklin (1926-2015) passed away. Joe invented the talk show format. He had a show in NYC where he would interview oddball characters. We met mid-1990's at a sports awards banquet, I aske…

Sad to hear TV talk show pioneer Joe Franklin (1926-2015) passed away. Joe invented the talk show format. He had a show in NYC where he would interview oddball characters. We met mid-1990's at a sports awards banquet, I asked if I could take his portrait. He invited me to his famous cluttered office. I remember there wasn't much room to shoot so I set-up in the hallway. In NYC he was a living legend, a kindred spirit who was interested in quirky, unique people. He always treated them with respect and dignity. Thanks Joe Franklin. #joefranklin

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