Beyoncé for PepsiCo
AdWeek's article "Why Celebrities Want to Be in PepsiCo's Ads" includes my image of Beyoncé... pointing at a can of Pepsi. from a quick PR shoot when taking over for Britney Spears in 2002//we converted a small midtown office into a little studio. Beyoncé was fab no entourage just her make-up artist. Purchased my first digital camera for this assignment :)
Me Make a Mistake? No way
started to frame this print... a young boy's tiny hand holding his father (from a recent Flashes of Hope shoot) but it didn't seem to fit in BEHOLD exhibit. A mistake perhaps. Betting it will soon be on my bathroom wall lol.
btw... BEHOLD exhibit opening reception Friday May 29th 7-9pm Studio Around the Corner, Brewster, NY
BEHOLD exhibit
Excited to announce BEHOLD, a solo exhibit featuring photographs from my portrait collection. Opening reception Friday May 29th 7-9pm Studio Around the Corner in Brewster, NY. It will be a fun night hope to see you. The exhibit continues on Saturdays noon-2pm thru June 20th. Featured on the postcard "Delilah Dagger, Miss Fire Island, 1998"
Before deciding a new path I was a power plant engineer in New York City. Mementos remind me of people and times in my life.
Carlos, Kitchen Steward
Behind-the-scenes workers have always intrigued me. This at my favorite breakfast joint in the Hudson Valley. Follow me on Instagram at http://instagram/chriscasaburi
Chef Rocco DiSpirito, 1997
... what gives Rocco? it's almost 20 yrs later you still look the same! this a rush assignment, no time for printing had to shoot on b&w slide film; note the markings at bottom from clips used to pull the film thru processing chemicals.
post-shoot shenanigans
strive for a relaxed, stress-free set. sometimes ends in shenanigans